Get motivated to lose weight
Get motivated to exercise
Physical activity can be part of your daily life. This article can help you get moving by offering ideas to beat your roadblocks to getting active. In addition, you will read comments from people who have done it. Maybe their stories will inspire you.
Learn why you should be physically active? Learn what is standing in your way? Learn what are your personal barriers? Determine what are your place barriers? Establish what are your health barriers? Determine what you can do to break through my roadblocks?
Set your weight loss goals and exercise
See your health care provider if necessary.
Answer questions about how physical activity will fit into your life.
Physical activity is good for you. So what is stopping you from getting out there and getting at it? Maybe you think that working out is boring, joining a gym is costly, or doing one more thing during your busy day is impossible. Physical activity can be part of your daily life. This booklet can help you get moving by offering ideas to beat your roadblocks to getting active. In addition, you will read comments from people who have done it. Maybe their stories will inspire you.
Why should you be physically active?
You may know that regular physical activity can help you control your weight. But do you know why? Physical activity burns calories. When you burn more calories than you eat each day, you will take off pounds. You can also avoid gaining weight by balancing the number of calories you burn with the number of calories you eat.
Regular physical activity may also help prevent or delay the onset of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. If you have one of these health problems, physical activity may improve your condition.* Regular physical activity may also increase your energy and boost your mood.
*If you are a man and over age 40 or a woman and over age 50, or have a chronic health problem, talk to your health care provider before starting a vigorous physical activity program. You do not need to talk to your provider before starting an activity like walking.